Serverless + Universal + Full Stack = SUF

The SUF-Stack is an opinionated way to build web apps without compromise. It's a new architecture (not a framework) which combines several modern technologies in a way which is both powerful and easy to use.

To get you started, we have created a few free and open source templates. Contributors are welcome!

Technology Choices:

Cloud Provider Frontend Backend
AWS Lambda Nuxt.js / Vue.js Koa.js
Azure Functions Next.js / React.js Express.js
see Serverless Framework providers Other? Fastify, Feathers, Hapi, etc

* not all technologies yet implemented in templates.

Also built upon: Serverless Framework, Webpack.js


Optimize for the cloud.

Deploy your app without worrying about maintaining or scaling servers.


Optimize for users.

Ensure your content is optimized for speed and the semantic web (and SEO)

Full Stack

Optimize for developers.

Use a "real" frontend and backend, written and deployed together seamlessly

Read more about the SUF Stack...